Reduce Benzo Prescriptions With Cannabis

Benzo prescriptions are on the rise. Patients are reporting tolerance and addiction problems. Can cannabis replace benzos for anti-anxiety?

Their main use is as a sedative and anti-spasmodic. Doctors prescribe the medication for insomnia, tense muscles, seizures/epilepsy, and anxiety. As these conditions are on the rise, so too is the frequency of prescription.

You may recognize many of the conditions above. After all, RxLeaf spends a fair amount of website space on the uses of cannabis for insomnia, anxiety, and epilepsy. Perhaps that’s why Aleafia Health Inc., a prominent cannabis company in Concord, Ontario, decided to investigate whether cannabis can reduce benzo use. The study is the first one of its kind and had encouraging results.

The study, “Reduction of Benzodiazepine Use in Patients and Prescribed Medical Cannabis”, was published on January 24, 2019, in Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research. It found that 45.2 percent of the patients stopped using benzo within six months of using medical cannabis. Aleafia Health’s Canabo Medical Clinic treated the participating patients.

Additionally, patients using cannabis in this study experienced a decrease in everyday distress and stress caused by their respective medical conditions. After all, physical medical conditions can cause mental health issues from the tension of coping and management. But if cannabis helps with anxiety, it can help with that daily stress too.

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